


The University of Chicago's Department of Medicine is searching for full time faculty members at any rank to join the Center for Translational Data Science.  We seek team scientists who will lead research focusing on: a) translational data science (the application of data science to research problems in biology, medicine and healthcare); b) the development of data commons, data ecosystem and other cloud computing platforms, systems and applications to support translational data science; and/or c) the development of machine learning, statistical, bioinformatics and AI algorithms to support translational data science.  We especially welcome applicants whose research focuses more broadly in the areas of computer science, bioinformatics, data science, mathematics, information technology, genetics, genomics, and/or systems biology. Academic rank and compensation will be commensurate with qualifications. 

About University of Chicago, Center for Translational Data Science

The Center for Translational Data Science at the University of Chicago is developing the discipline of data science and its applications to problems in biology, medicine, healthcare and the environment. We develop and operate large scale data platforms to support research in topics of societal interest, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), birth defects, veterans’ health, pain management, opioid use disorder, and environmental science. We also develop new machine learning and AI algorithms over the data in our platforms.

Our center has developed a number of important “firsts:” including, one of the first large scale data clouds (the NSF supported Open Science Data Cloud (2010-2016)); the first data cloud designed to host biomedical data and approved as a NIH Trusted Partner (the Bionimbus Protected Data Cloud (2013-present)); the first large scale data commons (the NCI Genomic Data Commons (2016-present)); and the first set of services to create data ecosystems for biomedical data (Data Commons Frameworks Services (2020-present)).

Today with our partners, we operate a data ecosystem compromising over a dozen data commons that make over 10 PB of data available to the research community about over 600,000 patients. We provide access to this data via secure and compliant workspaces, while protecting patient privacy. These are all based on the open source Gen3 data platform, that includes the Gen3 data commons, Gen3 Framework Services, and Gen3 Workspaces.

We are based in Chicago, but our work engages collaborators from across the world.

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Applicants with dual-career considerations can find university jobs such as professor jobs, dean jobs, chair / department head jobs, and other faculty jobs and employment opportunities at The University of Chicago and at other institutions of higher education in the region on www.AcademicCareers.com

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